Zoom App – Admit Everyone from Waiting Room via Keyboard on Mac


If I am the host of a Zoom meeting and people arrive at the meeting late and I want to admit them to the meeting without interrupting the flow of my presentation, is there any way to "Admit all from Waiting Room" from the keyboard? This is further complicated by the fact that if only one person is in the waiting room, there is no "Admit all" option.

Things I've unsuccessfully tried:

  • There is no pre-defined keyboard shortcut for admitting people from the waiting room
  • There is no menu item in Zoom to admit from waiting room, so I can't assign a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences
  • The "Admit all" button doesn't appear in the same place on the screen depending on how many people are in the waiting room, so it looks like simulating a mouse click at particular coordinates wouldn't work.

I don't know if there is a path forward with UI Scripting through AppleScript, or if I'm overlooking a simulated mouse click solution, or if there's something else I'm not thinking of, but I'd love to be able to admit latecomers to a zoom meeting from the keyboard.

Best Answer

There's a couple of scenarios to consider.

  1. Showing/hiding the Participants view
  2. No people in the waiting room
  3. Only one person waiting in the waiting room
  4. More than one person waiting.

I'll cover only the case where the Participants View is already active, and the Admit All link is visible due to multiple clients on the waiting list.

This code will click the "Admit All" link

tell application "System Events" to tell process "zoom.us"
    click last UI element of UI element 1 of row 1 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of window "Zoom Meeting"
end tell

To Bind it to a keyboard, 2 options:

  1. Use Keyboard Maestro to run an AppleScript on a hotkey trigger - Simplest, but KM is not free.
  2. I'll save the script above as an Application so that it's available to run from the Spotlight.