Video backup solution in the Cloud


I'm about to purchase the new Macbook Pro with Retina display and I want to get the cheapest version. But it only comes with a 256gbyte hard drive. I probably use 30gbytes for all my data and 500gbytes for home videos (growing fast too).

Can I easily attach a USB/thunderbolt external hard drive to store my videos through iPhoto when connecting my iPhone to my computer? Is there a good solution to then back up that external hard drive on a cloud? Dropbox and Google Drive are amazing backup solutions, but they cost so much money as I get closer to a terabyte and they don't seem to work with iPhoto so well.

Every 10 minute video from my iPhone takes up 2gbytes, this has to be a very common problem among parents…

Best Answer

If you're only interested in backing up the data, I can't recommend BackBlaze highly enough. I'd tried Carbonite and Mozy with many little niggling issues and some larger flaws after several months use. I've been using BackBlaze for more than 2 years now and have restored data on several occasions, and migrated to 2 new systems with no problems. It's $5 per month for unlimited backup space.

Worth pointing out though that you don't access it as a share or folder as you would with something like Dropbox or Google Drive. It's a client app which just manages backups.

I use this in conjunction with Dropbox for all of my personal documents (I have 12gb from referrals now so that's enough for me) and Time Machine at home.