Using My Mac as a webserver for the VMware VM


So, I have my Mac running VMware Fusion and I have a Windows XP VM running.

Currently the VM Network setup is NAT, my Mac is already setup as a web server.

I'd like to be able to access the Mac from the vm via the web browser (for some testing).

If the VM is set to use NAT is there a standard IP address I can use from the VM to get to the Mac regardless of what network I might be on? I might be at work and have an IP address of 10.1.. or I might be at home and have an IP address of 192.168..

What are my options?

At work I am on an AD domain

When I switch to Bridged networking I can see my Mac from the VM using my Mac's IP address.

I was hoping (and thinking) there would be an IP address that I could use regardless of where I am at.

Best Answer

This might be what you are looking for; originally found on this thread:

That is exactly what NAT does. It puts your virtual machine on separate network, vmnet8. Go to Terminal and type ifconfig. You will see the IP address for your host in vmnet8.