Using bitmapped Monaco in Textmate


When I use TextWrangler, I can use the beautiful, crisp bitmapped 10 point Monaco font:


In TextMate, when I select Monaco 10 as my font, I get a much fuzzier rendered vector graphic from the TrueType version of Monaco:

enter image description here

I do like the lack of chrome in a TextMate window, but find the lack of bitmapped Monaco 10 to be off-putting. Is there a way to get TextMate to use the bitmapped version of the Monaco font, or do I need to stick with TextWrangler for that?

Best Answer

For TextMate 2 you can do the following.

In a Terminal window run:

defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview disableAntiAlias -bool YES

To disable it, run:

defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview disableAntiAlias -bool NO