Using Automator to recall open Windows of (multiple) Applications


I would like to assign numbers to open Windows of (multiple) Applications with a keyboard shortcuts like:

Cmd+1 (different numbers for different windows)

and then recall them (along with their Desktop/space) with a keyboard shortcut like:


Some of the main Applications I use are iTerm, Emacs, Chrome, Outlook (Calendar) and Outlook (Inbox).

The specific modifier for each action does not matter much. I used to do this with AutoHotkey in Windows. How can I do this with Mac OS X? I was told Automator can help with this (IronAHK seems to not be available anymore)

Best Answer

I do not know the effectiveness of assigning numbers to the windows,

since I would forget who is who after the third window or after 5 minutes.

I use the cmd + tab to see the open windows and then select the one I want.

That works showing open windows by application, and to see them within the application like Chrome use the ctrl + tab.

But that's me, so let's hope someone will be kind enough to spend time writing the script for you since you asked so nicely.

This might be also something for you: