Use only external Monitor on MacBook Pro


When in my office, I want to disable the internal display of my 16" MBP 2019 since it's disturbing and uses extra resources.

The Windows solution would be pretty simple: WIN + P > external display only

I cannot figure out how to do the same on MacOS

Not a fix is

  • Just turning down the brightness
    • it keeps turning back on
    • the monitor is still used and everything is rendered on two resolutions
    • even though it's very dark, you can still see the contents
  • Closing the lid
    • I want to be able to use trackpad, touch-id, keyboard, touchbar
  • Using a magnet
    • couldn't figure where to place the magnets

I already wasted hours trying to find a solution and it seems to be such a trivial problem to solve …

my setup

Best Answer

At the risk of being publicly wrong, this isn't something that's easy. macOS just wants you to close the clamshell to put off the screen. I understand you understand and reject this solution, but it's the only practical one we know of today.

I believe that people that used to do that at work with space for two large displays now may work from home and we'll see lots of changes as a result of common pain points, but there will need to be a change in the operating system to make this easy.

The closest you could get is using bluetooth / usb keyboard and trackpad but you'll lose the physical trackpad / physical Touch ID and the task bar when you close the lid.