Use iPhoneBrowser to upload a directory structure to Office Connect

ipod-touchms office

I want to use my iPod touch to view and edit word documents. I've found a free app (Office Connect) that seems to allow this. However, the way that this app wants you to upload files is to connect to an IP address and upload files one at a time. I have a while directory structure for my files that I want to maintain, and I have too many files to upload them one at a time.

I've come across another app called iPhoneBrowser, which appears to fill this gap. However, I can't fathom the directory structure of my iPod. For example, the OfficeConnect app comes with a sample document called "QuickOffice.doc", but I can't find this in iPhoneBrowser.

Am I missing something here – can I use iPhoneBrowser for this, or if not, is there another app that does what I want?

Best Answer

The paid version of quick office (quick office connect mobile suite I think it's called) allows you to add various online storage services: google docs, dropbox, and mobile me. You upload/sync your files on your computer to one of these services then add your account to quick office and you will be able to access and write to the files on the service you added.

Quickoffice also has local storage where you can download files to from one of the services. This is useful if you know you'll want to access a big file when your not on wifi. You can download it while on wifi and then access it later offline.

And vice versa you can create a document locally when and the upload it to a service later.

Each iPhone app has it's own sandbox which it can modify and read. It can't see or modify any other apps sandbox. So iPhone browser will only see files you added using iPhone browser. iOS 4 now has a documents facilty where if an app can read a word document such as quickoffice it registers that it cam do that and if an app can list files such as the official dropbox app you can open a document in the dropbox app and it will show a Hutton which you can press to open the document in quick office.

Quickoffice also has the ability to openema attachments. However I haven't used this so I don't know how it works.