Use Apple TV for in an Android household


I recently got an Apple TV (the new siri version) at a stupidly cheap price (Supermarket mislabeled it as the last version) it seemed rude not to buy it! But now I'm not sure what to do with it.

Unfortunately most / all of the information online talks about how well they integrate with the Apple ecosystem.

So my question is what can I use an Apple TV for if I'm an Android household.

P.S. I was going to put some of my use case here, to stop it being too broad a question, but I also suspect that might limit the answers a little (and stop it being as useful for other's doing the same google search I did!)

Best Answer

If you have a cable TV subscription, you can watch quite a lot of TV content through the different networks' apps. If you own a lot of your own content, sitting on your network, install Plex Media Server on your PC/Linux/whatever, and the Plex app on the ATV.

I'd mention that you can play games on the ATV too, but I haven't found any worth the time yet...