UNIX-style triple click to select path in Terminal.app


In Red Hat, if there is a path somewhere on my terminal window and I triple click it, the whole path is selected. I can then easily copy it using middle-click or a regular copy-paste.

This doesn't seem to work in Terminal.app, i.e. triple click selects the whole line which is most of the time useless.

Is there a way to change this behavior? Should I look into other terminal apps like iTerm?

Best Answer

The shortcut for Terminal.app is ++doubleclick.

You might also be interested in the following shortcuts:

  • +K to clear the screen
  • ctrl+U to delete everything to the left of the cursor
  • ctrl+K to delete everything to the right of the cursor
  • ctrl+A to jump to the left end
  • ctrl+E to jump to the right end