Unable to login with Apple ID in iBooks Author


I have access to iTunes Connect with my Apple ID, but when I'm trying to sign in with the same Apple ID in iBooks Author it shows the following error:

This Apple ID isn't associated with an iTunes Connect account.

I'm unable to understand the cause. Is it an issue with iBooks Author?

iBooks Author screenshot of error message

Best Answer

The error message is misleading. The real issue is that you need a separate Apple ID to publish ebooks. Here's what you should do:

  1. Go to https://appleid.apple.com and create a new Apple ID. When asked for an email address, don't re-use the one you entered for your primary iTunes account. I made that mistake and my account became inaccessible. I had to call Apple support to finally fix the problem.
  2. Download iTunes Producer. Install and start it. Log in using your newly created Apple ID to your iTC account.
  3. Create a new project in iTunes Producer. Add the cover image, the screenshots, and your ebook. Set the price and finally submit the book.