Totally ‘clean’ full-screen mode web browser


As the title describes, I'm looking for a totally clean full screen web browser with quick navigating options in Mac OS X.

To be specific, I don't want url bar, toolbar or anything else when in full screen mode. Although I've known that safari can hide toolbar in full screen after a few tweaks, navigating seems to be a big pain and I hate moving mouses. I'm also looking for something like sublime text's pop out input bar: with a quick gesture and some simple input, I can reach most of the functions a mouse can do in few seconds.

Does a browser like this even exists for Mac OS X?

EDIT: @dwightk has provided two feasible options in the answer below using plugins for chrome and safari. But I would like this question to remain open if anyone know more solutions

Best Answer

Have you seen Vimium for Chrome?

I'm not sure if there is a way to hide the toolbar in Chrome, but the vim extension for Safari might be the last step you need for navigating using only the keyboard.