Time Capsule. Drive is ok, cannot connect through wifi


I am having a problem with my 2TB (I think Gen 2) TC.

It was connected directly to a cable modem and was working fine for over a year. A few days ago, I started to get connection errors (no IP) on both the Ethernet and wifi ports. The wired computers are connected to the TC through a hub.

I changed the connection to link to the net through a spare router, and changed the TC to "Bridge Mode".

All the connected (Ethernet) ports work ok. I have no WiFi mode though (from the TC).

I can see the TC and even do a Time Machine backup to it.

Before I plonk $300 on a new device, I would appreciate any troubleshooting tips..

Best Answer

Are you running the latest firmware and have you already tried resetting the TC to factory defaults?