This window keeps popping up and wont go away.. help


This window keeps popping up on my Mac ever since I updated the OS to Catalina.

I tried searching for the file and selecting "show in finder" but nothing is there? Can anyone help me fix this problem? Very irritating to have this little box on my screen all the time.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is likely malware. Update your Apple software every week (or even every day) for a while in case Apple detects and blocks this specific app. It’s not behaving like a proper app should.

Any chance you can locate the file in finder and upload it to virus total?

If you can get the finder window open, control click and show package contents and consider uploading the file to if you’re not comfortable using terminal to type the command file and drag the bookmark “file” into the terminal window to check if the file is deceiving you - named like a text file but actually a program.