Difference Between AppleScript Version and AppleScript Studio Version


Testing what can be done with System Events I noticed when pulling system info:

AppleScript Version:

tell application "System Events" to return AppleScript version of (get system info)

AppleScript Studio Version:

tell application "System Events" to return AppleScript Studio version of (get system info)

there was a difference returned. When I researched the site I didn't see this asked and I haven't found an answer on Apple discussion. So what is the difference between the two?

Best Answer

Your first line of code simply returns the version of the AppleScript language currently in use. You can also see it under Script EditorPreferencesGeneralDefault Language.

As for AppleScript Studio, this is what Wikipedia has to say about it:

AppleScript Studio
A framework for attaching Cocoa interfaces to AppleScript applications, part of the Xcode package in Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5, now deprecated in favor of AppleScriptObjC.

— From AppleScript: the definitive guide, 2nd edition

In essence, it was what you used for creating AppleScript applications in Xcode.