The data type of background images in a Pages template


I am trying to teach myself graphic design. The templates in Pages are really nice, but I want to be able to make my own. I was stripping apart a brochure template ("Elegant Brochure"), and found that most of everything on the page was a text box or an image. Once I removed all of those elements there was still a pattern in the background. When I clicked on it, I noticed "x's" on the corners that were immobile instead of the usual white boxes for manipulating images or text boxes. I clicked on the inspector and noticed that these were actually jpegs, but I don't know how to remove them, or in the case of wanting to make my own brochure layout, insert background pictures like that that will stay immobile.

Best Answer

After flipping through "iWork:The Missing Manual" and digging a little deeper, I discovered that those watermark style background images were immobile because they were "Locked." So I clicked "Unlock" in the Arrange menu, and then I could delete or manipulate those images.