Text Editing Newbie Question


I have just started playing around with text editing using Text Wrangler. I have real estate sales data cut and pasted from a web site on which I have searched and deleted unwanted data and cleaned up the tabs and spaces nicely. However each data record is still split over 2 lines. One line starts with a letter (persons name) and the next starts with an address (a digit). This pattern repeats all the way down the document. How do I say "if line break is followed on next line with a starting digit, replace line break with a tab"

I assume that would put each record on one line ?

Best Answer

I'm assuming you want it like:

Visitor82   123 E. Text Street ...

To do this in Text Wrangler:

  1. Search > Find

  2. Tick the 'Grep' option

  3. In the Find Box type:


  4. In the Replace Box type (or whatever delimiter you would like):


~ Enjoy!

Text Grepping!