Terminal/ZSH Problems & Permission problems


I downloaded something out of the Internet and executed it, which might could have malware. After that I deleted all of that and i opened my Terminal and it gave me this error:

/Users/flawn/.zshrc:.:1: no such file or directory: /usr/local /etc/profile.d/z.sh
flawn@osx: ~|master⚡ ⇒  open .zshrc

These files exist and i could open it . I also tried to chmod all Files, but it didnt fix it. My fear is, that my system might not boot because of that permission errors…


Best Answer

The error message- /Users/flawn/.zshrc:.:1: no such file or directory: /usr/local /etc/profile.d/z.sh comes from line 1 of your .zshrc file and suggests that there is a space between the command substitution and the rest of the path-

 . `brew --prefix` /etc/profile.d/z.sh

Back ticks for command substitution have been deprecated for a long time in favor of $(.....) but you would be better off using the absolute path to the sourced file-

. /usr/local/etc/profile.d/z.sh 

or comment line 1 out if z is not installed.

#. `brew --prefix` /etc/profile.d/z.sh

In line 20 remove the curly quotes-


Last, terminate the last line of your .zshrc file with a newline.