Task Switching with the Keyboard

keyboardsnow leopardwindow-manager

I'm a long time Windows and Linux user giving an old Macbook I brought back to life a fair shake. I'm running Snow Leopard.

One of the frustrations I've had over the past couple weeks is that I can't easily navigate large numbers of windows.

I'm used to alt-tab and the task bar. I'd use alt-tab to go to the most recent windows, and the task bar to go to very old ones.

On MacOS, I've been using command-tab to switch between applications, then command-backtick to switch between active windows, but command-backtick is inconsistent, and command-tab isn't consistent in Firefox with multiple virtual desktops (it seems to take you to the most recent window on the active desktop, rather than the most recent window in the app).

While Expose shows me my three-dozen windows in a neatly tiled, seemingly random mosaic.

Somebody who grew up on Macs might be able to tell me the secret. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

For the full Windows functionality for switching windows look at Optimal Layout or Witch which both make AltTab switch to all windows.