Tab key on ZSH terminal in Catalina keeps running “bundle exec jekyll serve”


I don't have jekyll installed on my system

➜  ~ Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory

➜  ~ which jekyll
jekyll not found
➜  ~ which ruby
➜  ~ 
➜  ~ which bundle 
zsh: correct 'bundle' to '.bundle' [nyae]? n

Every time I press Tab key on the terminal to navigate the files and folders it returns

"Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory". How do I resolve the issue?

Edit: Resolved I had an alias as exec="bundle exec jekyll serve" which was messing up the navigation.

Best Answer

Go to the .zshrc file in your home folder and check if a command like that is listed. If so delete it. The .zshrc file gets executed every time you open a terminal window.