Show Results of Automator-Terminal command


TL;DR If I create a .app via Automator, how can I show results of a shell script in a dialog or terminal window?

I am using Automator to run a shell script

adb install /Directory/$1.apk

and if I run it via Automator, I can see the results (install successful or can't find filname.apk or whatever else terminal would tell me). If I save as app and double click to run, then I do not get to see these results.

What can I do to show a dialog or terminal window that would display the results of the script I run?

Best Answer

There are a couple of ways you could do this:

  • Adding an Ask for Confirmation action after the Run Shell Script one and using $1 in the message field.
  • Adding another Run Shell Script and executing osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to display dialog "$1"'. You'll have to select as argument on the pass input drop down.