Show current playing song (dj, genius, playlist etc) in library


When I hear a song playing in iTunes DJ or some other kind of playlist, I'd sometimes like to see which album it is from or even see which other albums I have by that particular artist.

How can I do this?

The only option it gives is 'show in finder'

Meaning to navigate directly to the track in the main music library

not sure how I really clarify this much more but here goes:

When I see a file that is playing as part of a playlist, I often want some kind of 'show in library' function. You can select 'show in finder' and it will take you to the file in whichever folder it resides in the finder window. But I want to see the file in the itunes music library and cannot figure out how to make it do this.

Best Answer

Open Terminal (found in the /Applications/Utilities folder)

Type defaults write invertStoreLinks -bool YES

When you re-open iTunes, you will have some options next to the "Ping" drop down in any playlist to show and goto either the album, artist or genre for the particular selected song.