Shortcut to switch windows, bringing the newly active window to the top


"Command-Tab" switches between browser (or other) windows, but leaves the newly active window underneath, where you can't see it. What good is that?

This such an essential, minute-to-minute maneuver that there MUST be a shortcut that switches to another window and brings it to the top (as PCs do). Isn't there such a shortcut?

I think this question has been asked before, but I've never seen a straightforward solution. I'd like to make sure that the answer really is "You can't do that."

Best Answer

⌘ + TAB switches between applications. It brings up last active window of selected application.

Application can have many windows open (or no open window at all). To navigate between application windows:

  • first navigate to desired application using ⌘ + TAB
  • without releasing ⌘ use Up or Down arrow on keyboard to see all open windows of selected application.
  • Use Up/Down/Left/Right arrows to navigate between windows.
  • reaching desired window press Enter to bring it in front