Search across networked drives that are only sometimes connected


I've got networked drives at work and networked drives at home. What's a way to set up search so that it automatically applies searches to each drive when connected without having to rebuild the index each time I switch?

I've tried Spotlight, Quicksilver, and Launchbar, and don't see where any of them handle this well. (I use sidekick to change all my other settings, so something that integrates with that could work.)

One thing that would work would be Launchbar or Quicksilver with Roo Switch. But that means maintaining three separate catalogs — one for home, one for work, and one for everywhere else (i.e. not connected to either set of networked drives). Lame.

Best Answer

EasyFind is the answer.

Does a search without indexing anything, in real time. Slower than Spotlight, but comforting to us Windows folks, who like to see exactly what the thing's doing. (And in practice it's actually very fast when searching for a filename.)