Script for getting windows from beyond display border


I have a problem with my new monitor. Often when I unlock the screen, there are windows that are hanging beyond desktop border. It is quite irritating having to drag them back to the window centre manually.

Luckily, I've found a script that can do it for me:

Unfortunately, it only works from the script editor window. When I try to run it by clicking on its name in the script menu bar it does nothing. I tried saving it as an application and running it, to the same effect.

Anyone can help me with that?

Best Answer

I went to the URL in your question, click the Raw button, copied the code and pasted it into Script Editor, where I saved it as an application named: Gather Off-Screen

I then went into System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility, as show in the image below, and added the Gather Off-Screen

I moved some windows off-screen, then ran the Gather Off-Screen, and it completed without error and moved the off-screen windows fully onto the screen.

Insert Image 1

Now while I added the Gather Off-Screen to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility after having saved it, had I not done so, I would have expected to see the following dialog boxes when I ran the app, (which sometimes one or both may not appear):

Insert Image 2

Insert Image 3

That said, let me say that while I have not studied the script in depth to have a through understanding of it mechanics, nonetheless, I see what I consider some poor coding in this instance in the beginning and would change the following line of code from:

repeat with proc in application processes


repeat with proc in (application processes whose visible is equal to true)

The reason this change makes sense to me is, as an example, at the moment I have 38 application processes running of which only 10 are visible and therefore it's seems senseless to query further the 28 application processes that aren't even visible.

Also note that I even minimized some of the off-screen windows before running the app and when I unminimized them, they were then completely on screen. So the visible property in this instance is about the process not minimized off-screen windows that while minimized are not visible.