Screenshots storage place back to desktop impossible

restorescreen captureterminal

I previously changed the settings of which folder to save screenshots. Now I want to go back to the default settings, storing it on the desktop. I have read what to do, in Terminal enter:defaults write location /Desktop/ then killall SystemUIServer.

However, even after restarting the laptop, when I make a screenshot or a partial screenshot, I hear the sound of the shot but it doesn't appear on my desktop (or anywhere else). How can I get the screenshots to appear in the default folder?

Best Answer

The problem is that the command:

defaults write location /Desktop/

will set the default location for screenshots to be /Desktop/. What you actually want is to set it to be /Users/yourusername/Desktop/.

Try this, replacing yourusername with the username for your account:

defaults write location /Users/yourusername/Desktop/