Scaling external display text & UI components


I have a late 2013 Retina Macbook Pro which drives a Dell P2815Q 28" 4K monitor (at 30Hz). What I would like is to have scaled UI components whilst retaining the resolution of the monitor, rather than having to either:

  • Use the full resolution with tiny fonts and UI components
  • Use 1920×1080 scaled HiDPI mode, which doesn't provide enough screen space (although the text is lovely and clear).

The options I currently have for the external monitor are:

external 4K monitor display options

What I'd like is to be able to scale the display as I can for the Retina MBP screen:

Retina MBP display options

I've found plenty of posts explaining how to enable all resolutions under the 'Scaled' tab. This is not the solution I'm after because it doesn't make the font/UI components smaller whilst retaining a crisp resolution.

Best Answer

I have found the MacBooks to be rather flakey when it comes to multiple monitors. However, I have found that if you hit the option key while selecting the scale radio button you get more options for the 4k monitors.

Also unplugging the HDMI cable seemed to reset the Mac to recognize that the monitor supported more resolutions.