Save some steps when burning same playlist over and over


iMac OSX 10.8.5

I am often producing demo CDs for a musician.

The steps are

  1. insert blank
  2. scroll to playlist
  3. right click and choose burn
  4. click ok
  5. wait for jingle – this scrolls to the playable CD
  6. click eject


I would like to

  1. scroll to playlist ONCE
  2. right click and choose burn
  3. get prompted for disks until I am done and click cancel

Is there a setting I did not find? I am not interested in 3rd party software – just wondering if there is a setting I overlooked or perhaps some way of automating this.

Best Answer

You should consider buying Toast from Roxio there's a light version on the AppStore that still allows you to choose the numbers of copies...