Safari shortcut that always works to reopen last-closed tab


Note: this is not a duplicate of How can I get Safari to reopen my last closed tab?

I am familiar with the shortcut +Z working when the tab was just closed. However, I often do something else that I don't want to undo.

For instance, I sometimes close a tab, write half and answer on Stack Exchange, realize I didn't want to close it, and am then stuck with accessing the history manually.

So, is there any Safari shortcut or menu item specifically for reopening my last closed tab?

Update: This isn't a fix, but if your only problem is not wanting to undo anything besides closed tabs (and you don't care about having something that'll always work), setting a shortcut for "Undo Close Tab" in Keyboard preferences will filter the shortcut to closed tabs only!

Best Answer

With the new macOS Sierra, it is possible to use the keyboard shortcut T to reopen the last closed tab – à la Chrome and other browsers.

The previous shortcut, Z, allowed you to reopen closed tabs, but was more of a "general purpose" button which allowed you to reopen closed tabs, but also to undo other actions. The new shortcut is specifically meant to reopen closed tabs.