Run Automator App conditionally at system startup


i have build an Automator app working every time at system startup.
But sometime i wish to do not run it. There is a way to avoid (like holding a key at boot for example) Automator App runs when it do not need?

Best Answer

Here is an alternate method:

You can include the Automator app on Startup (System Preferences => Users and Groups => Login Items => Click + and browse to in Finder. You can see an example here. enter image description here

This will have it working every time on startup.

Turning it off (temporarily)

If you hold the Shift key down just as your computer starts to log you into OS X (not when you hear the chime), it will ignore all of your login items. I could only get this working with automatic login disabled. You have to hit it right as your computer starts to log you in.

This may not be convenient if you have more Login Items in your Users & Groups, but it is a good place to start.
