RTL + Right-align in text boxes

keyboardtext inputtext;

In Windows, I could use Ctrl+Shift to align text in textboxes. To align left, I used the left Ctrl and the left Shift and the right ones to align to the right.

Is there a way to do this in OSX?

Best Answer

⌃⌥⌘→ (control-option-command-right) makes the selection left to right
⌃⌥⌘← (control-option-command-left) makes the selection right to left
⌃⌘→ (control-command-right) makes the paragraph left to right
⌃⌘← (control-command-left) makes the paragraph right to left

If you didn't choose a right-to-left input source as the default input source when you created your account, you might have to enable the shortcuts from System Preferences: