Right click on title of document no longer opens finder


I seem to remember that right clicking on the title of a document in an application like TextEdit, Preview, or Pages would allow you to jump to the enclosing folder in Finder.

But this no longer works on my computer. I am afraid it is because I installed Path Finder. I uninstalled path finder Following their instructions. Does anyone no how to reset this functionality?

Odd note: Right click still works for some 3rd party apps like Text Wrangler

How can I fix all of Apple's apps to Open folders in finder again?

Best Answer

If I'm understanding your question correctly, I think this relates to a bug in 10.8.2. I don't know the full extent of the bug, but it seems to break the ability to reveal a file/document in Finder from other programs, including via the title bar.

I've seen a few bug reports around relating to the 'Show in Finder' not working, or only sometimes working, due to issues with the appleeventsd process. For more info see this TotalFinder Feedback issue, a blog entry from Macromates and an issue on Open Radar.