Reveal each bullet by opacity in Keynote 6.6


This question is an exact duplicate of How to partially uncover bullet points in Keynote except that I am asking for the current generation of Keynote (version 6.6.1, rather than Keynote '09).

I want the slide to initially appear with all bullet groups translucent (dimmed by opacity set to low number). On each click fully reveal each bullet group by becoming opaque (opacity set to 100%).

As seen in this animated gif:

animated gif image with each of four bullet items appearing from translucent to fully opaque

I want the same effect as Build In > Appear & Move > Dissolve with Delivery set to By Bullet Group, but I want the initial display of all bullet groups to be translucent rather than hidden.

My motivation is so that while giving a presentation I can see all the items immediately to remind me how to properly phrase my speaking, yet keep the audience’s attention on each bullet point.

Best Answer

This is what I tried and it worked in Keynote 6.6.1 (2560):

  • Create Bullet points text.
  • Select all bullet points and Copy
  • Select all but the first bullet point and set color to 10% white (or whatever you like) leaving the first line at 100%.
  • Paste the saved bullet points over the existing and align precisely.
  • Apply the following setting to the newly pasted bullet points:

enter image description here

Using the Animate tool and the settings in the Build In automator Appear, the first bullet point will present in full 100% luminance with the succeeding points dim. As you click, the bullet points will appear as you have shown in your example.