Rename screencapture program

command linescreen capture

I would like to rename the "screencapture" utility triggered with the shift+cmd+3 keys, in order to take screenshots from a program that recognizes and disables this utility.

Specifically, I want a different name to appear under ps when that utility is running.

Is there a way to rename or alias this utility system-wide?

Best Answer

I think it is not that easy, but it is possible.
When calling

which screencapture

I get


I enter sudo mode and cd to /usr/sbin

sudo su
cd /usr/sbin

I rename the screencapure programm :

mv screencapture capturescreen

And after that, I create a symlink to the old one:

ln -s capturescreen screencapture

now when calling capturescreen, It is called capturescreen. But when doing CMD+Shift+3, I get the screencapture process.

But You could fix that with creating a Service in Automator and create a Shell-Script-Action, simply calling "capturescreen ~/Desktop/Output.png"

And after that in the System-Preferences, Assign a Shortcut to the Service.

But you could also simply call Terminal and enter "capturescreen ~/Desktop/Output.png"

Even further, you can modify the screencapture action in automator to get the timestamp back and use it as the main tool for schooting screenshots.