Removed Atom from Applications. How to remove `atom` command from terminal


Recently I started using Microsoft Visual Studio Code instead of Atom. So I deleted Atom from the Applications folder. However, I can still autocomplete the atom command in terminal. And searching for it with where atom doesn't give any results (command not found).

I tried looking for it in ~/.zshrc but nothing there points to atom either.

Any idea where I can remove that command?

Using iTerm2 and om-my-zsh.


  • The output of type -a atom is atom not found.
  • This is after a reboot of my machine; the terminal has been refreshed.
  • The output of alias does not contain atom.
  • I misremembered the which command and used where instead. That was my issue. Accepted the answer stating this.

Best Answer

where atomwill result in command not found, true, but because the where command is not found; when using bash. A zsh error would have issued "atom not found"

Try which atom to get the result of /usr/local/bin/atom in bash.

That means you just need to rm /usr/local/bin/atom to get rid of that command.

( install also apm, so be sure to remove that as well.)