Remove item from Context Menu

finderservicesshortcut-menusnow leopard

I noticed extra options pop up in my context menus, I'm not sure how I managed to get it (or how long ago I installed this item), but does anyone know how I can remove it? Particularly the iconStiX item, which doesn't work.
I've tried looking in /Library/Context Menu Items, but there's nothing there

+1 if you can tell me where it came from.

Context menu that I'm trying to kill

Best Answer

I've just installed and then uninstalled iconStiX again - just to see where the stuff was placed.

The uninstall is like this (see Readme.pdf in iconStiX.dmg):

Throw away the following 4 items into the Trash:

  • the iconStiX program in your Applications folder (or any other place of your choice)

  • in your ~/Library/Preferences:

    • li.loos.trollin.iconStiX.plist

    • li.loos.trollin.iconStiX.LSSharedFileList.plist (if any)

  • a folder named iconStiX in your ~/Library/Application Support folder

Empty the Trash.

BUT this doesn't remove the Contextual Menu Items - unless you reboot your Mac (I did that, and the items was gone).