Remotely Access WD MyCloud EX2 Using Finder

finderhard drivenasNetwork

We recently purchased a WD MyCloud EX2 NAS storage drive in my office. On our local network, we're able to use Finder>Go>Connect To Server, mount the drive, and access files simply through finder. This is all good, but we would like to access this remotely as well. We have the option to do this, but we are forced to download WD's software, and I was hoping there was some way to accomplish this simply through finder like when we're on the local network.

I'm not super network-saavy, but could this be accomplished with port forwarding or something of that nature? Please help! Thanks.

Best Answer

Your router needs to forward the required ports to your NAS.

AFP: 548, 427 SMB: 445

Then you can connect to your NAS the same way you do now, but you'll have to use your EXTERNAL IP. If your external IP is dynamic (regularly changing), I'd recommend using a service like dyndns (which keeps track of your IP and binds it to a domain).