Remapping keyboard shortcuts in Chrome and Firefox


I recently switched from Windows to Mac. One of the things that's really ingrained in my muscle memory is hitting Alt+D in a browser to go to the address bar. On Mac browsers, +D creates a bookmark, the equivalent to move to the address bar is +L.

I've used the Keyboard pref pane to remap +D to the "Open Location…" command in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. In Safari this works great. In both Chrome and Firefox, hitting +D now goes to the address bar and creates a bookmark. Is there any way to get this to work properly in Chrome and Firefox?

Mac OS 10.7, Chrome 13.0.782.220, Firefox 6.0.2

Best Answer

You can achieve this using the keyboard prefs just as you were trying. You simply need to create one more shortcut.

In Chrome you would:

  • Set Command-D to Open Location…
  • Set Command-L to Bookmark This Page…

By setting an explicit shortcut for Bookmark This Page… you get rid of the conflict an ensure there aren't two menu options with the same shortcut.