Quitting Mail is very slow


Since a few years I can't quit Mail.app instantly. The more folders I have entered during the usage, the more folder Mail.app tries to close before it quits. Each close operation takes 3-8 sec to complete, so quitting the whole program takes half a minute or so. How can I skip or make this closing procedure faster?

Status window

I use an own IMAP server for my emails.

Reindexig mails, recreating accounts, etc. does not work.

Best Answer

Check Preferences - Accounts - Mailbox behaviors that you don't have options 'Delete [Sent, Junk, Deleted] messages - when quitting mail'

Also, how many messages do you have? If there are many (like around 10k and above), then I think this is inevitable that you have such app closing time. Probably in this case it is better to reorganize your mails. Probably create some local archive.