Play MIDI files


As far as I can tell, this is completely impossible. On 10.8.4. I am trying to play a sample MIDI file off of Wikipedia.

Quicktime v 10.2 fails to open a MIDI file with error message

The movie “Ii-V-I_turnaround_in_C_four-part_harmony.mid” can’t be opened because the file is not in a format that QuickTime Player understands.

VLC is also unhappy:

No suitable decoder module
VLC does not support the audio or video format "MIDI". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.

AFAICT I need to go find some random obscure MIDI player and download it for Mac, which seems extremely strange given that a site as large as Wikipedia uses them freely and assumes they "just work" on Mac. What am I missing?

Best Answer

QuickTime Player 7 also supports mid files.

Many DAWs like Logic support importing and exporting mid files, but one free MIDI sequencer or editor is Aria Maestosa. Synthesia is an application or rhythm game for practicing playing mid files.