.pkg Installer Verification – Solving Hangs on Verify


I'm trying to install the Mono MDK, and downloaded the .pkg for 4.2.1 (about 200 MB), when I double click on the package, it opens a "verifying xxxxxMDKxxxxx.pkg" window, which does nothing for over an hour while the Installer icon bounces on the dock. Is there a way to bypass the verification or force it to verify?
Or, alternatively is there a way to install the Mono MDK using the command line?
I'm running a early 2011 Macbook Pro on OSX 10.11

Best Answer

Ran into this with some other software, but wanted to pass on a tip I picked up.

In finder, launch /System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app. It will prompt you to locate a .pkg file to install. Navigate to the .dmg volume you've mounted, and select the xxxxxMDKxxxxx.pkg file.

Installation should proceed normally from there.