Ping graph utility


I am having connectivity problems with my broadband and want to create some evidence for/with comcast. In particular, I'd like to run a continuing series of pings and get a graph out. All I've been able to find are utilities for Windows, or apps (like ping command itself) that just put out a bunch of one line messages. Does anyone have a recommendation?

Best Answer

So a little while ago I was having wireless problems and wrote a little monitoring tool that was really just a wrapper around ping. I still find it useful for displaying current connectivity at a glance.

But I also added the ability for it to write a log of its connectivity, and then wrote a perl script to parse the log and display a summary graph. It sounds like just what you're looking for:

hour-by-hour uptime summaries

The only hitch is that I developed it on Linux, but from what I can tell, ping should work the same on a Mac. If you're interested, here is what to do:

If you have git:

$ git clone ''

If you don't:

$ mkdir uptest && cd uptest
$ wget ''
$ wget ''

Then run the monitoring tool for a few hours, logging to a file (run ./ -h to read its usage):

$ ./ 15 -l uptest_log.txt

Then you can print the histogram with

$ ./ uptest_log.txt

Stars are bad (dropped pings): a full line of stars means you didn't have any connectivity that whole hour.