Panic Coda 2.5.1 SFTP No longer connects “Could not connect to server _____. Failed to open file”


Since upgrading to Yosemite, I'm unable to connect via SFTP to any site.

It allows me to open a terminal and connect… so the credentials are good.

  • I have reinstalled Coda (including removing the Library files and using "app delete" to remove all references – then re-installing)
  • I have performed a "repair permissions" from the disk utility
  • I have added new sites to the site manager, and they all fail

Any ideas or suggestions?

here is a screenshot:

(screenshot of error)

Best Answer

The SSH known hosts file had the wrong permissions (which were not fixed by "repair permissions" from the disk utility)

to fix, run the following in terminal:

sudo chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts