Override the command+tab shortcut in macOS Catalina when using Chrome


Most Chrome shortcuts I use, use the command key: command+T, command+W, etc. However, the shortcut for switching tabs is control+tab (and control+shift+tab). I'd like to have all Chrome shortcuts use command.

There are 2 issues:

  1. How do I disable macOS's native behavior, which is to switch apps using command+tab (and command+shift+tab)?
  2. How do I get chrome to switch tabs using command+tab (and command+shift+tab), instead of control?

Best Answer

According to Apple: "[...] you cannot define keyboard shortcuts for general purpose tasks such as opening an app or switching between apps."


However you can use custom Chrome shortcuts using an extension: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/341531/197509

I wouldn't bother tho. This behaviour is consistent if you think that Finder uses the same keys regarding tabs, and pretty much any app will follow the same pattern. Getting used with a different scheme will annoy you whenever you sit on another computer. It is way more efficient to just teach your brain to adapt.