Open Terminal App Without Opening A Window


Is it possible to change the default settings in the Terminal App (OS X 10.7.5) such that when the app is launched, no windows are opened by default?

As a shot in the dark, I tried closing all windows, and then creating an "empty" window group and setting that as what should be "opened" when the app is launched, but it is still opening a bash window when the app is launched.

(The reason I ask is that some other apps I use occasionally launch Terminal with a bash prompt in a particular directory, but I always get two windows open: the default one in my home directory and the one the other application opened.)

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

It's very strange that you say this, because I only get one window open... It would be interesting to see how the applications are launching the Terminal. IF they launch it by opening Terminal, then opening a new window using Applescript or something, then you would expect to see two new windows, but if they just run a bash script, then it should just open a single window.