Old GarageBand had a legit drum roll; can’t find it in 10.0


I've written quite a few tunes with older versions of GarageBand, and I always use the MIDI editor / piano roll (or whatever that note-by-note editor is called) for creating drum tracks. In the older versions of GarageBand, there was a legitimate, real, snare drum roll. It was a plain old regular note in the MIDI editor, just like a regular snare hit or bass kick. But I can't find any such thing in GarageBand 10.0. When I google for how to make a drum roll, all I see is people cramming together regular snare hits, which sounds ugly and electronic to me. For an example of what I'm talking about, listen to my tune here, at about 2:40 and 2:45. I used rolls like these throughout the tune, but these two are longer and more noticeable.

Does anyone know how to do this in GB 10.0?

Best Answer

If you go to “Orchestral > Percussion > Orchestral Kit” and go to C0 and hit H you’ll get a good drum roll. I found it by going down and holding down each key until I found it.