# of windows opened in the Dock indication


I just got a new macbook pro (used to use a dual boot linux/windows system). I'm still getting used to some of the features.

One thing I've noticed is when an application is open, it would show in the dock at the bottom of the screen and there would be a dot below the icon indicating that it is open. WHen open instances of the same app is open, there is no visible indication of how many instances are open. Is there any way to enable this? For example if I had 3 google chromes open, I'd like to be able to see in the dock that there are 3 open without having to right click on the icon. Perhaps 3 dots would show instead of one dot?

Best Answer

Apple only provides Mission Control (ctrl) and Application Windows (formerly Exposé: ctrl) for window management. Yes, this was (and still is) my least favorite change after switching to macOS.

Under System PreferencesDock, you may also uncheck Minimize windows into application icon to avoid “losing” minimized windows, but this can quickly clutter your Dock.