Ny way to create a hard link in the finder


Is there any way to create a hard link in the finder?

A hard link in terminal would be created with:

ln /path/to/file /path/to/newpath

whereas a symlink / alias can be done by holding command and option or

ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/newpath

(though apparently the behaviors of 'alias' and 'ln' are different)

Best Answer

You could create an Automator service like this:

enter image description here

This takes the selected files and creates hard links to them in the directory where they exist. You can then drag and drop the links to the location where you want them.

This will work for files with spaces in their names, but not for files containing quotation marks in their name.

You can access it from the Finder » Services menu, the context menu, and you can assign it a keyboard shortcut analogous to the L shortcut for aliases (perhaps L).