– How to add a series of columns


I have a spreadsheet with about 600 rows and 20 columns.

I want to add a unique identifier to each cell so that I can use the exported CSV output in another app.

So I thought that I could add a column after each existing column, and then use a formula to populate the cells.

So, first, are there better ways to do this? and if not, is there a short cut to adding 20 new columns?


Best Answer

To add a new column right after the existing column:

  1. Select one of the existing column.
  2. Press Option+Right Arrow.

Repeat for each existing column to create a new blank column on their right.

To create 20 new column at once:

  1. Select 20 new column.
  2. Press Option+Right Arrow.

This one will create 20 blank column right after the existing column. You need to rearrange them later.