macOS – Fix Insufficient Permissions to Change Permissions

apple-siliconexternal-diskhard drivemacospermission

I have M1 macbook air and trying to connect to external hd (Seagate 1K9AP6-502) in NTFS. I can read files on the drive, but I can't write. For example nano gives me an error that it's a read-only drive. I can read and write if I plug it into any of my linux machines.

I have tried COMMAND + I to change permissions of the drive. I can see that my own user has read + write, staff and everyone have only read. If I ls -l I see that group owner in staff and my user is the owner.

I don't understand what is wrong. What do you suggest to do to access external hd?

Best Answer

It is not really a permissions issue. macOS cannot write to NTFS natively, only read.

You can get a reliable NTFS 'write enabler' from Paragon - Paragon NTFS for Mac

There's also a free version from MacFUSE. I've never tried this one, but reports are split on how well it works.