Need to close Word documents on Mac Air..I can see no red dot, green dot or yellow dot

ms office

When I go to full screen on a Word for Mac document, the dots (red, yellow, green) disappear, and I can't get them back. Therefore, I am not able to close a document. Can someone tell me how to reduce the page size on a Word for Mac document so I can see the dots? I've poked around for hours and found nothing online or in the help section. Thank you

Best Answer

Word is in Full Screen mode. Simply hover your mouse at the top of the window, and the Menu bar will drop down. On the right hand side is a blue double-headed arrow. Click it, and the screen will return to a window. (you can save the document by simply using the menu when it drops down from your mouse hover, if you wish to remain in full screen mode...oh and CMD-S is your friend (save))

Or, you can just hit ESC.

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